Customer's Stories
[ What makes you feel beautiful? ]
Warm-hearted stories shared by our customers to inspire, delight and resonate. Let's get a look into their JulieMay experience.

'' Beauty after having my first child at the age of 42 has been something I’ve been having to redefine. My body looks different from the way it did before, my skin, my hair - it’s all been changed. The funny thing is that I realise that I’ve always struggled to see myself as beautiful. I needed someone else to see me as beautiful for me to begin to believe it.
But now, even though I’m probably even farther away from the magazine cover model of beauty than ever before, I look at my gorgeous daughter and I think - this body made her, this body carried her inside of it, and fed her, and kept her safe, and nurtured her, and released her into the world. This body fed her milk for three years (!), this body has carried her and cleaned her and cuddled her long into the night. So I have new respect for it, and I see it not for what it lacks, but for what it has achieved, and that helps me see its beauty - my beauty.
Thanks for making such amazing lingerie - it’s the first ‘proper’ beautiful lingerie I’ve worn since I became pregnant, and its comfort, glamour and luxury has also helped me to feel gorgeous.''

'' I spent years (literally) looking for a bra that was composed of natural fibers. I even had linen bras custom made. Nothing seemed to work. I finally just settled on cotton sports bras for everything. The problem is that I often need to wear formal dresses and those are not tailored to wear with bulky sports bras. It was always such a burden to dress up and go out to dinners with my husband and let’s face it, you just do not feel sexy in a dinner dress when you know your undergarments are not feminine.
One day, I decided to scrounge the internet again in desperation and I found JULIEMAY. I didn’t get my hopes up too much, but I ordered a bra to test the waters. Let’s just say that I am currently on a trip to Europe and I confidently packed dresses that I usually shy away from due to bra limitations! These bras are gentle on the skin and they fit beautifully! The attention to detail reminds you that the shape and curves of our bodies are a feminine art form and that we should be celebrated! Not to mention that my husband immediately understood the importance of this find and took me out to dinner to celebrate JULIEMAY and my newfound treasure.
I know there are many many women out there who are trapped in the same cycle that I was and I hope they find their way to JULIEMAY.
I hope that they can feel like a woman again who is worthy of silk and lace! Thank you JULIEMAY! ''

'' My allergies around the breast area started about 4 years ago. Was getting really itchy, red rashes. Under the breasts and round my rib cage. I found that if I wore, pink or purple bra's the flare up was worse. I had to take allergy tablet every day and used E45 cream.
All I wanted to do all day was walk around top less that way I wouldn't be in pain or sore.I went looking in all stores that sold bra's to see if they sold any allergy free bra's. My search was a failure. When asking in stores, the reaction was they have never heard of such a thing and to me that was very disappointing. I said believe me it is very real and it does exist.
Some days and nights I have cried with the pain. Threw clothes out as the blood wouldn't come out. So one day I sat and typed in Google, allergy free bra's and Julie May website appeared.
From the moment my bra's arrived my life has been changed and saved. Your bra's are not only beautiful to look at, to wear and they feel gorgeous to wear and to look at. They make me feel sexy and look sexy. They are just so beautiful. Thank you for giving me my life back! ''

'' For the vast majority of my adult life, I've not been able to wear pretty or colourful bras because they itched - I've always had to find the highest percentage cotton and that has always meant purchasing the plainest possible sports bra.
In recent years, however, even those bras became horribly uncomfortable and I had to start wearing them on top of a t-shirt or vest. My self image at that point was definitely in my boots and in desperation I searched online, as I had done, fruitlessly, many times over the years, and this time found Julie May lingerie.
It transpires that, as well as the skin irritation I get with many man made fibres, I also have a nickel allergy and so it has been the bra fastenings and strap adjusters which have been causing the problem. Not only do I finally feel comfortable wearing the Valentina bras but everything about them gives me joy.
They look beautiful, feel beautiful, wash beautifully, and I am frequently aware of the absence of discomfort, which is a wonderful thing. Plus, I'm really enjoying feeling more feminine at my time of life! ''

'' I’ve had psoriasis since age 4. Learning to love and accept my skin has been a long journey. But I am happy to say I don’t hide my skin away anymore.
When you’re dealing with an unpredictable autoimmune condition like psoriasis, you’ve got to learn to be consistent about self-care—which is definitely difficult to maintain while caring for 4 kids. That’s one of the reasons my husband and I prioritise date nights.
I love being a mum, but every so often it’s important to wash the baby spit-up out of my hair, leave the nursing bra behind, put on some lingerie, get dolled up and spend some time with my husband. He always makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world regardless of what my skin looks like.
Psoriasis is often itchy and painful, and most lingerie isn’t designed with sensitive skin in mind. JulieMay not only provides a range of beautiful (and sexy) designs but also uses fabrics that don’t irritate my psoriasis.
Even on the days when I do feel down about my skin, a date night always helps me find my confidence again. ''

'' I learned to love my body despite my “imperfections” and surgery induced changes like Bell’s palsy. It took a lot of positive self talk, love, and patience but now I feel beautiful again in my own skin. I feel most beautiful and free when I turn up my dance playlist and dance by myself in my living room—like nobody’s watching! ''
'' My husband of 22 years left me and shacked up with a girl in her twenties who had given birth to his child. He always bought my underwear. My underwear was old and ratty and honestly looked how I felt inside. I searched for new underwear. It seemed impossible to find something not polyester.
I came across JulieMay and it seemed perfect but as a housewife for so long I didn’t think I should spend the money. I decided in the end to just give it a go and ordered a bra. When I first tried it on I couldn’t believe how good it felt but more than that I went from feeling old and ratty to feeling beautiful and even sexy! I absolutely love it! I have purchased two more since and can’t wait until they arrive! ''
'' At forty-five, perimenopause is ramping up & in addition to all the changes that brings, I found out this year that I have progressive sight-loss. So, change is a major theme in my life this year, & I’m looking to ditch my old, no-longer-comfortable, wired, irritating-my-skin bras, & stumbled across your website. ''
'' I’ve been an avid supporter of JulieMay underwear since discovering the brand several years ago. I have been suffering for years with terrible peri menopause symptoms but have nearly found the right concoction of treatments to help control my symptoms… has not been an easy journey.
The silk in this underwear is particularly important for women like with me due to all the continence, vulval & thermostat control issues that come along with everything else. I would love to meet the originator of Julie May lingerie & personally thank them for producing such fantastic products. ''

'' I have always had a sensitive skin which has made me experience many allergies. Bras especially affect me - usually the fastener and the wire. My grandma also suffered with an allergy to metal and told me she used to wrap her suspenders with plasters to prevent her getting a rash.
Fed up with constant itching I decided to look for a company which sells allergy free underwear and found Julie May. I have now purchased three bras which I am more than happy with. They are comfortable to wear and give me a good shape. Best of all there's no itching! Despite being a pensioner on a low income I would willingly make sacrifices to purchase more from Julie May. Great product! ''
'' I have always had a passion for lingerie. After literally 5 years of painful, itchy and ugly eczema/chemical allergy rashes, I recently found out my colophony/rosin allergen is in elastane/spandex/lycra (almost all other underwear!), which explains a lot.
It’s been a godsend to find that Julie May makes such beautiful lingerie while helping me to avoid this allergen. Julie May gives me the confidence to get out there and feel beautiful again! 😊 ''
Angie & Mary
''Breast cancer treatment has caused the two of us to question what it means to be a woman. However, we are now learning to love our new bodies and had a lot of fun and happiness making this video together, wearing the beautiful JulieMay lingerie gifted to us.''
''I feel sexy and empowered when I put on something pretty and comfortable. It's like a secret superpower – no one else knows what I'm wearing under my clothes, but I know, which makes me feel more in control of my self-worth.”
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